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It has been many days that I update my Blogs and keep English diary.

Review this week, first took a look at my work. I still kept remembering the words and listening English like TED and Open Class. most of my time spent on website design for our Soybean and oil painting. Here is my oil painting, will be completed. I was a green hand, but I just want to develop my interest, thought number oil painting may be a good choice, simple, easy to paint for a new bird. I enjoy this process, always appear many ideas and ties on memory sometimes during painting.

my painting

And then, To approve the contract I have been running again and again, but the contract was still on the way. Before Dragon Boat Festival, I saw a movie that I long-expected, Warcraft. It mainly because the game, World of Warcraft, it gave me much beautiful memory, I loved the story design and beautiful game screen. maybe I didn’t spend much time on it, but I love this World.

Next is Dragon Boat Festival. there are many manners and customs, but I know it is mainly for in commemoration of Qu Yuan. We eat zongzi, a traditional Chinese rice-pudding, and Dragon boat racing. but for me, I join Chen research group’s dinner, in her house. here has a picture that recorded our dinner, but it’s after the meal, delicious food was eaten up, just odds and ends of a meal on the table.


On the last day of Dragon Boat Festival, I went to Luoyan island, but I really want to go is Luoyan area in fact. I mistakenly think that they are in the same place, I’m far wrong. I went the long way, so tired and exhausted. except this, I got cold, tends to badly, and start fever after ate an ice-cream cone. I thought I must be seeking for death at that time. here have some pictures on the way to Luoyan island, bad memories.


Last, I finished a book, 《El coronel no tiene quien le escriba 》/《No One Writes to the Colonel 》. maybe I should give a brief comment, but I thought I should read more literary works to increase my knowledge.
